By X-men - 16/04/2015 02:24 - Honduras

Today, I’m a French teacher abroad, and as my beard has a huge hole near my chin, my students call me Wolverine. At every lesson, they wait for me with pens stuck between their fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 585
You deserved it 121

Top comments

TigranPet 24

The funniest part of this FML was when I noticed the female icon next to the name. :D


I said "you deserved it", not because you actually deserve it, but because you it's kid of your own fault since you can just shave

Oh so it's okay for others to make fun of him? Interesting.

burgermike92 17

Clearly you love your beard more than you hate you students' jests... and that's because your beard is awesome. Hooray for beard love!

i think that is pretty cool. my own is getting there but no hole

Le_ponderer 14

You gotta own it OP! Come in with a faux fang on one arm and teach like that all day. They'll see you are not fazed and respect you more for finding a way to one-up them.

DeadxManxWalking 27

What class do you teach? I'd learn with a teacher like this