By X-men - 16/04/2015 02:24 - Honduras

Today, I’m a French teacher abroad, and as my beard has a huge hole near my chin, my students call me Wolverine. At every lesson, they wait for me with pens stuck between their fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 585
You deserved it 121

Top comments

TigranPet 24

The funniest part of this FML was when I noticed the female icon next to the name. :D


You can either fight it or accept the yellow spandex, bub.

"You're not students anymore, you're X-Men"

People seem to whine on this site a lot. If you don't like them calling you wolverine, then grow your beard until there is no hole or shave off that beard entirely.

I love how my earlier comment was moderated because I said I didn't understand how a person who chooses not to grow their beard out or shave it all off was an FML. How else does someone have huge hair hole?