By BilletsDoudous - 15/01/2015 06:51 - France
Top comments
I read this expecting them to be dead animals
At least he wasn't talking to dead animals. Or to ******.
At least he wasn't putting ****** in dead animals.
I thought it was either a bomb or -more likely- panties. USED panties.
Who says those furry toys weren't actually real animals that had been stuffed after they died?
Me too or like the head of some person he just murdered
I've taken a dead animal onto a train. 5 hours with a dead fox.
Drugs, funny stuff.
Why do you automatically assume he's on drugs? Maybe he's lonely and the stuffed animals are the only ones who are listening to him? I kinda feel sad for the man, if that was the case...
I work at a jail and deal with the clinically insane people everyday. It is sad, very sad. A lot of those people have been so secluded their entire lives that they've given up trying to co exist and just accepted the fact to stay by themselves forcing their brains to go into a psychedelic state.
That is actually really interesting society thinks of criminals as just sociopaths with no emotion when there are generally good reasons for them having done what they did.
No.. He knew you were watching so he wanted you to think he was insane. He's not on drugs. The drugs are inside the stuffed animals.
Thug life!
At least he was only talking to them, not punching, *******, or licking them.
Definitely don't see that every day. .
You should have checked to make sure the furry animals had a ticket
That would've been awesome! I would've loved to see OP's face after op asked the stuffed animals for their ticket and then explained to the guy that his animals have to get off at the next stop because they don't have tickets. Mean, but funny.
I can only imagine your face while seeing that
Atleast he s got company, those people tend to get lonely you know!

I read this expecting them to be dead animals
Drugs, funny stuff.