By BilletsDoudous - 15/01/2015 06:51 - France
Top comments
Ah, trains. Why don't they just call them mobile asylums and be done with it?
Ted? Is that you?
Lol just got that :)
Interesting. ? lol
Well...didn't see THAT coming.
That's a special kind of crazy
I read French and I love your handle (it's a play on words using the words ticket, and what you call a stuffed animal you like most.)
Je n'ai rien compris à ton message.
Then...what's the problem?
I see no real problem here. He could be mentally challenged. Or, ya know, some people just never grow out of finding real comfort with stuffed toys. I don't see how it really affects you, but I could understand how you found it a bit awkward. Best to just shrug it off.
I read this expecting them to be dead animals
Drugs, funny stuff.