By Anonymous - 31/01/2010 18:37 - United States

Today, I'm in the hospital because I sliced my leg open. Why? I jumped off my bed and scratched myself on the metal bed frame when Miss America was crowned to Miss Virginia. I'm 20 years old, and a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 461
You deserved it 34 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is this your "coming out" post? if so, congratulations! :)

I will never understand why so many people who post on FML feel the need to write just awkward sentences. Why not just write "when Miss Virginia was crowned Miss America"?


either he's gay or just watching for hot chicks but th fact that he's jumping with joy to tge winner is sad and makes him gay

you guys need to stop dissing the OP for watching miss America. SO WHAT?! we all enjoy weird things, let him enjoy his weird thing.

LexiRawr 0

Cereal question. Are you gay?

Haha this made me laugh. Ur cute and I like u :)