By Samantha - 15/06/2010 18:18 - United States

Today, I'm three months pregnant. Hours after the father of my baby bought me a wedding ring, he decided to get drunk and tell me that he doesn't see himself with me for the rest of his life, and doesn't really want to get married. Oh and that he hates my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 376
You deserved it 7 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SaturnE_fml 0

I'm assuming since this is an FML, she's heartbroken. I also assume she wants the child. The first thing, period, to worry about isn't if he wants to stay with _you_, it's does he see himself being an active and stable father? Will he visit regularly, not just on weekends, but after work too? will he take turns with you being the stay home parent on weekends so you both have a life? Will YOU be adult enough to sit beside him at the school play, watching your child together? Will you do everything you can to make sure you're allowing him to be an active father? Can you two both be friends for the rest of your lives, and more importantly stand up for each other against any future partners? If you can answer yes to all of this, your kid has a chance at a great, if different life. You have a chance to get back into the pond, still take care of yourself, and be choosy about your next crush. If the answer to any of those questions to you is "no", you need to sit down and decide what's more important, your convenience or the child's happiness. And you need to consider all aspects of being a parent. If any of them for him are no, you need to immediately start prepping yourself to be strong, independent and still desirable. You don't want to be alone, obviously, but you'll have to be until you find that perfect partner to share not only you, but your child with. Any other options are yours, but think about the child's life before you give birth, you're out of time then.

He wouldn't be the first guy being scared by marriage.. FYL though.


sucks for you OP, look at the bright least now you know his true feelings and thoughts and can call off the engagement :s PLUS now your life won't be wrecked or depressing because of an unloving marriage.

EvilDave 13

No, instead her life, the life of her kid, and any shmuck who marries her will be wrecked.

I am a child that was raised by a single parent and my life and my mom's is not wrecked. We are actually very happy just the way we are.

EvilDave 13

@18 If you aren't going to raise it yourself, shut the **** up.

Barrientos432 5

Oh my god! that's low! ..your dog can't be that bad.. :]

idio_fml 0

What an asshole - he hates your dog. No jk, That's terrible. I'm sorry.

jeanbeann 0

wow for get himmm he's a dickk

he could just be nervous and it came out. you need to sit down and seriously talk to him. it won't be good for either of you or the baby if you guys aren't happy

yatoast 0

he hates you and your baby... is it even his?

Don't worry. he was drunk and when your drunk you say stuff u don't mean