By DirtyCharmed - 01/11/2011 06:29 - United States

Today, I'm very ill. My throat and glands are so swollen that whenever I fall asleep, I relax too much and cut off my own air. The doctor said it's a viral infection and there's nothing they can give me, so I can choose between trying to kill myself by sleeping or staying awake for the next few days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 680
You deserved it 2 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you should've consulted another doctor for a different opinion. Still, FYL.

Just go to sleep, the second your throat closes, you will automatically wake up. And if this were truly life or death, you'd be in a hospital, lol.


ChrissyV13 0

If you can't breathe they're supposed to give you weak steroids to open up your airway (they gave it to me when I had strep) sorry your doc didn't do that

HLB3 3

Your doctor fails. It's called prednisone!

shotgunman89 3

i dont know if this would actually work, but if all else fails and you really need to sleep, you could run a tube down your throat so it cant close up.

Have you tried sleeping while sitting up in bed?

itsme3623 6

That doctor is dumb. I recently had a very similar throat infection and while they couldn't cure it, they did give me an IV that helped bring down the swelling. Go to a different doctor.

tracyle 2

Try sleeping lying on your side. It should keep your airway open

skyeyez9 24

Sounds like you have strep throat, severely swollen glands.....prob need a second opinion.