By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lilkala300 0

how did you get 7 people fired? I'm thinking that this couldn't of been just something you did a company doesn't fire that many people at once unless their planning on it before hand. That's just to many new people to hire and bring in at once so i'm thinking they were downsized not something you did. The only thing I think of that you did was that they were unsure who to downsized and you mentioned something about those 7 employees that made your work decide that those 7 would get downsized

Wintermut3 2

Everyone is assuming that his boss doesn't know... I know plenty of bosses that would protect their pet protege at the cost of seven other people.

I think he made a mistake that got him AND 7 other people fired....

IF, and that's a big IF, this is true, there are only one way I can see this going down: OP accidentally ratted out the other 7 people for something they were doing against co. policy, such as stealing (as mentioned by another poster). Otherwise, his mistake would have gotten him fired. Any mistake large enough to cost 7 jobs would be big enough to cost him his own. (Unless he's the boss's son, etc. as speculated) If he'd gotten fired, he would already be outside with the other people. I think he still has a job. Bosses might have also used the mistake as an excuse to get rid of people they wanted to fire anyway. Still, I really really want to know what the mistake was....

what probably happened is the boss wanted to fire them anyway and didn't care it was anyone's fault. made his job easier firing the other employees.

Booda13 0