By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I made a patient really happy. I work in a long term care facility and was changing a woman's diaper. While cleaning her, I somehow managed to give her an orgasm with a warm wash cloth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 472
You deserved it 4 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

jio_freed 0


*Shudders* I really don't know what to say... Yikes >

Fllyleaf 0

Yukk. That's just disgusting. #33 LMAO!

elara15 0

Don't be ignorant, #26. But hey, OP, if you ever meet a younger woman with a diaper fetish, you're set.

maybe next time she can make you really happy ;)

DreMaMa 0

You better write this in your journal because that is possibly the funniest thing ever, While reading this a mental picture popped up. Yea I thought it was gross, but hell of a good laugh. Next time bring your own diaper...for yourself age aint nothing but just a numbaaaaa haha