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By Impressionist - 25/08/2016 11:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I made quite an impression on my new bin men by forgetting to put the bin out 'til the last minute. I'm sure they enjoyed a good laugh at the woman in shorts, tank top and slippers struggling with a brolly as she slipped and slid while dragging her bin up a hill in a downpour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 502
You deserved it 2 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For those of you wondering, she's saying she forgot to take the trash out, so she had to do it just before the garbagemen came. In the UK, bin means trash/garbage.


Swandive235 27

They may have found it amusing when it happened. but in a week they'll probably forget.

notabanana 8

pretty sure that's like everywhere except America.

notabanana 8
Coffee5555 14

that must have been funny :DD

For those of you wondering, she's saying she forgot to take the trash out, so she had to do it just before the garbagemen came. In the UK, bin means trash/garbage.

One_In_Three 24

#7, how is that relevant to the FML?

The FML literally says she's "struggling with a brolly" ... Wasn't sure it was a term used outside the UK so thought I'd add it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I appreciated it, 7. I had no idea what a brolly was. I thought it may have meant the trash. So, thank you

You opened my eyes on how to look at the bin from now on!

Glad everyone thought this was helpful

And #7 thank you for clearing up what brolly was, I forgot to mention what it was in my original comment

What I'm wondering is : what's a brolly?

Goblin182 26

Thanks for interpreting that from English to English. The UK and America have different versions of English.

I thought "brolly" might have meant a trash can on wheels. Bin + ROLLY

50 & 59: Look at 7's response. And thanks for clearing that up, #7!

TyphoidMarty 2

The funny thing is I read your explanation and was like "well yeah of course doesn't everyone know that?" Then I remembered oh right I live in America and not everyone reads/watches as many british books and tv shows as I do.

One_In_Three 24

I can invasion your plight being adapted for film… (Camera pans down, pulling focus through the rain and setting the silhouetted OP center frame. Dramatic music rises in volume.) (OP, struggling, loses a slipper and falls down:) OP: "NOOOOOO!" (Lands with a slowmo thud accompanied by percussion.) OP: "Bins! Bins, you gotta go on without me! GO! NOW!" Bins: "" OP: "Oh, right. You're just bins."

down voted because its just too lobg of a comment tbh

Seems like Tripartita's invasion didn't work this time.

I love it when I needed a translator to go from British English to American English.

We call the wheeled trash containers where I live Herbie Curbies.

I even read this with an British accent.