By pleasedtomeetyou - 13/01/2010 16:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I met my boyfriend's notoriously difficult mother. I had been looking forward to meeting her and making a good impression. Unfortunately, I could not greet her as her son's penis was still in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 156
You deserved it 16 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrazyWill 0

Ouch. Probably not the best way to meet her.


Igor_g5 0

@113 and 117. *****? She takin care of her man.

most of these people who comment dumb shit aren't even worth it lol...

Igor_g5 0

He ain't the trick of the day. They havin a relationship. You don't suck your man or get sucked by your woman as the case may be?

you make no sense. not everything happens in the bedroom, my best guess would be this went down right infront of the door that his mother used to walk in- therefore no time to stop. stuff like that happens all the freaking time get a sexlife kay :)

Hey, old people are people too, odds are she's had one in her mouth before too! Honestly it all depends on how old you both are. If you're like tweens, then she's probably really concerned now about her sons sexual activity. If you're 18+, she's probably grossed out and embarrassed herself, but somewhere deep down at least happy that you're taking care of business and not some stuck up snot who thinks she's too good to give a bj.

Queenk123 0

that really sucks. that was prob a fun night haha

miley_baby 0

I kind of know how you feel, last sunday me and my boyfriend (we've been dating for 2 years and are legal age in our staate so don't give me any bullsh*t on this!!!!) were up in his room and things were getting "Heated" (i suppose you could say) and how did i meeet my boyfriends 25 year old older sister? by her walking into his room to see what? Me and her little brother having sex, what made it worse? i was ontop exposed with him having a hand full of my boobs... she spent the rest of the night glaring at me and when i left she cornered me and told me i was a bad infuence and i probably forced him to have sex with me.... WTF?!?!?!?!?!? lmao

Kelly_Kelly 0

Wow, you should post an fml! :)