By pleasedtomeetyou - 13/01/2010 16:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I met my boyfriend's notoriously difficult mother. I had been looking forward to meeting her and making a good impression. Unfortunately, I could not greet her as her son's penis was still in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 152
You deserved it 16 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrazyWill 0

Ouch. Probably not the best way to meet her.


axeinthehead14 3

haha u really "blew" her away I bet. haha

KaylieBieber13 0

this FMLmade my night its hilarious!!! FYL FOR SURE!!!!!

CRaynee 10

wow. honestly. think about it, its not that hard for this to happen.

cburke9 7

are u kidding? thats the best first impression ever lol, and why does nobody on this website ever lock their freaking doors?!

HAHAHA oh man, when I met my boyfriends mom for the first time it was about 15mins after having given my first ******* - AWKWARD but at least she didnt know or walk it XD