By Anonymous - 12/01/2015 02:41 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time. His father was completely wasted, his mom was high, and his 11-year-old sister was talking about her favorite alcoholic drinks at the dinner table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 084
You deserved it 3 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how old you are but I'd suggest informing social services as that sounds like a very sad situation and the 11 year old specifically needs to be taken out of that for sure and your boyfriend as well if he is underage.

Seems like you got the best one out of that family, unless your boyfriend has drinking/drug problems your not aware of...


No .. This is not a **** YOUR life. This is definitely **** your boyfriends life. Growing up with parents like that must have been extremely hard for him ..

I moderated this!! Yeah, that sucks op. It sucks worse for your boyfriend.

Run. Run fast, run far. This is a metric butt ton of trouble. Oh, and call CPS on your way out.

I can really imagine how bad your boyfriend feels. That's why I don't bring people at home...

Try being a bit more sympathetic. His home life sucks and maybe it's not easy to show you. Mine wasn't peachy and it took courage to bring anyone to my house.

Kinda sounds more like an fml on his side.

My brother-in-law had a pretty messed up childhood (abusive dad, druggie mom) but turned out successful; his siblings, not so much. He got out of the situation and has bettered himself because of my sister. If your boyfriend is a good guy and you want to make this long term, it can work, it is just hard. Just try to be supportive and understanding. Sometimes you will probably have to be honest and harsh. If your boyfriend is over 18, talk to him about getting his sister out of that situation. She is still young enough that rules, discipline, stability, and love can make all the difference. Good luck, op!