By Anonymous - 27/10/2010 18:57 - United States
Same thing different taste
By anaph0re - 01/02/2009 15:52 - France
By Anonymous - 27/04/2011 19:16 - United States
Living for the weekend
By ouch - 11/12/2009 07:50 - United Kingdom
By Iwtumn - 17/03/2015 16:52 - Austria
By mindy12182 - 29/12/2018 17:00 - United States - Des Moines
Make up tutorial
By Bunni - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia
The best costume design award goes to…
By Anonymous - 27/10/2023 06:00
By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 11:17 - United Kingdom - Hull
By Snow - 07/02/2009 20:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/09/2022 19:00
Top comments
haha that sucks broski
purple eyeliner? who are you going as, David boey? xD
Hes goin as your dad
put coverup on your eyes?
buy makeup remover? better than walking around with it on for a few days.
get some make up remover, or use Vaseline, it takes off make up as well. good luck
Does my pic scare you?
I'm sure you look bootiful :]
Well I'm not stupid for one. Also I'm not 10. And third its not a bb gun its a double barrel shotgun. It's the only picture I had in my phone.
let me get this straight, ok you're a 14-year old kid with a gun??? how the hell? keep playing like that and you'll end up buried 15 feet underground.
Alright so what else is there to do in Colorado other than sports, hunting, fishing, and videogames. Those are the cheapest things to do here anyways.
Like you ever will
I feel terrible for breaking up this obviously quite beautiful and touching party, but do you think you could take it to private messaging? MSN? Facebook? Myspace? Maybe even telepathically beam insults backwards and forth between your beautiful minds?
Sorry theres no messaging on my phone
Then I strongly recommend the "beam mean thoughts to them" strategy.
I have no idea where she lives
Ah well, then there's nothing I can do for you, besides giving you the address to a liquor store, and this empty vodka bottle. I feel like such a failure. I hope I can be forgiven for my lack of psychic powers.
I'm 16 with several guns o_o ....that's Texas though...
Hell maybe they'll give me a refill. And besides everybody owns atleast one gun. Except crazy liberals. Atleast here they do.
Warpig- Allow me to translate Sirin's rather cryptic message to you. Shut the hell up. Don't have a private 1-on-1 conversation in the comment section. Just a hint- see that "(FML Staff)" after Sirin's name? Amazingly enough, that means she's one of those "mods" you always hear about but don't often see. She can ban you. Or worse, she can change your comment to say whatever crosses her mind. So mind your manners and do what she says.
smooth one genius !
shit sorry
Sorry guys gosh it doesnt show that on the mobile app good God nothing bad has happend.... Yet
Thanks for the translation, DocBastard ;-)
Wait, I didn't say that! "Someone" must have changed my comment! All I said was, "lolololol your stupid!!11!eleventyone"
I have guns?!
Rock climbing, camping, hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, name a few. Colorado is definitely not lacking when it comes to fun activities.
skiing is expensive haha
Wow is that good or bad?
Ignorance, that was perfect. There's nothing wrong with being gay, in the right context. Simply stop viewing being gay, or the word gay, as a bad thing.
such hostility in the air
lololol, he needs to learn to use makeup remover xD and if that doesn't work, use metho, either way get hurt physically by that or the random passersby
So you'd beat someone because they had make up on? ..
#2 I have to say, your pic made me laugh harder than any of the fmls I've seen today.
#251, it made me laugh harder than any FML I've EVER read.
yeah yeah it was a costume ... we all know your a full time hooker !!!
I was guessing Lady Gaga of something!
lol what's your costume? drag queen?!?
he's going as a transvestite from transexual transylvania
yeah probably. That's what I'd guess anyway :}
yeah... I don't think so
Make an excuse.. Say someone hit you and your eye is bleeding purple pus and you will die from a horrible disease if you suffer from bullying
or how about you tell everyone you're gay
69 wins.
lol, 69
Yeah, baby wipes work like magic
or he can just use vaseline, it works for me
No shit Halloween is Sunday. Lmfao. Thanks captain obvious! Haha
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayUh, well since its on the website, Halloween may not be coming up on Sunday smart one...
hahaha hooker much?! maybe you should of read the instructions....I know guys don't normally read instructions but there could be an exception for a gay guy! =P
should HAVE*
Actually, he just spelled out "should've" with how it literally sounds, "should of." See? They sound the same! Oho!
Ignorance scares me.
Bakn, Ignorance isn't so scary. Just make sure you have plenty of wolfsbane and lima beans. Easy!
Goldiefox- I didn't mean to scare you. I was just helping you out. (:
What exactly is the problem? So you leave the make up alone and just let the people who matter know that you had a crappy halloween make up incident. Sure people might tease, you but it's not the end of the world. If you're that much of a baby and can't cope try phoning the beauty department at the nearest pharmacy and ask for a recommendation to get it off.

haha, that's funny. you better rock that purple eyeliner now ;)
Make an excuse.. Say someone hit you and your eye is bleeding purple pus and you will die from a horrible disease if you suffer from bullying