By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 03:03 - Korea Republic of

Today, I met my boyfriend's very strict and traditional Korean parents. I had to listen to them while they called me a skank and how I was fat and ugly compared to nice, pretty, Korean girls. They don't know I speak Korean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 911
You deserved it 3 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SourCandyyz 0

you should've been like "uhm, thank you?" in korean :)

just say "uh....I speak Korean, thanks"..... but say it in Korean and make them feel like a bunch of a-holes!


My friend speaks some kind of Asian language she listened to the women at a nail salon talk about how smelly her feet were while they were giving her a pedicure

My Now Ex-Girlfriends Mother Liked To Talk Bad About Her Canadian Boyfriend In Korean. She Didn't Know I Could Understand Her.

xxHaley2011xx 8

And that's why you don't assume people can't speak another language.

hotzstuff89 0

RUN. bahaha and also say something mean to themin korean(:

I would have made a sneering comment in Korean if I where you.

I better learn French before I meet my boyfriend's parents then. :S FYL

bringmethejordyn 7