By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 03:03 - Korea Republic of

Today, I met my boyfriend's very strict and traditional Korean parents. I had to listen to them while they called me a skank and how I was fat and ugly compared to nice, pretty, Korean girls. They don't know I speak Korean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 912
You deserved it 3 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SourCandyyz 0

you should've been like "uhm, thank you?" in korean :)

just say "uh....I speak Korean, thanks"..... but say it in Korean and make them feel like a bunch of a-holes!


Ski_flyir 0

If I were you, I would've said "F U" in Korean and totally pwn em.

TheDamnDrifter 1

The only nice asians r Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan but one of them is dead soo...

Have you met them personally? Do you know they're nice?

flodezie 0

lmao.. how do say ***** in Korean?

BleuPapillon 0

That's when you're really polite when you're leaving and say thank you in Korean... then, to make sure they understand you are fluent, you say, "Hey honey, do you have your keys?" in Korean before you walk out the door. :)

gtrgdss 0

way to go to the bf for sticking up for your honor! NOT!

you should have spoke up .. maybe they would have liked u better. or have your boyfriend stick up for you.

you totally deserve it. A Korean boyfriend???? come on!! guess his surname is Kim. lol

TheWhiteLotus 5

Way to be a pretentious cockhole, slant-eye