By Oh God - 24/05/2018 06:00

Today, I met my new boyfriend’s family for the first time. Unfortunately for me, his dad walked in to ask what we wanted for dinner while we were having sex. Even worse was that my boyfriend kept going while his dad was there, and his dad later said he was glad I was “the woman”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 140
You deserved it 1 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you have sex at his house when meeting his family for the first time?

I think a lot of you missed how this was posted by a dude, so basically his bf's dad expressed just being glad that his son didn't take it up the a**.


Dang, zero ***** given....well, 1 anyways.

What makes him think you never pound his son? It's not like people only ever use one position.

I don't think the dad was glad it doesn't happen, just glad not to see it

reziprezie 5

pigs in a sausage blanket sound great if ya know what i mean 😉

Maybe my anti-incest instinct is stronger than average, but anyone who kept pumping me with a relative watching would instantly become an ex. Yuck. Parents are supposed to be a turn off.

Maybe it was a chance to show dad ‘I’m not ashamed of who I am!’ ...or maybe OP has THE. BEST. ASS. EVER.

YDI for having sex in their house. And why do it when meeting the family for the first time?

if you're having sex while the parents are home ydi. why are people so stupid about this?

You probably thought you'd share this "cute" fml story but it's pretty gross actually and says a lot about yourself. What sort of people meet the folks for the first time and have anal sex when everyone is around. It was even before dinner and not even when people are asleep. That's pretty disgusting and disrespectful.

Azis Hsu 4


Haaaaaaaaaaaa omg that’s hilarious. If you’re grown enough to have sex then be grown enough to not be freaked out when you get caught. It is how we all got here lol.

again why do people keep having sex when the parents are home? I don't get it. ydi