By starstruck - 20/11/2009 09:36 - France

Today, I misplaced my wallet. Fortunately, I knew exactly where it was. Unfortunately, I had just taken out the only form of picture ID that morning. I couldn't stop the finders from laughing as they saw my fake celebrity entertainment ID while I tried to convince them it was actually my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 368
You deserved it 18 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

popatia 0

Why do you have a fake celebrity ID?

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

if you misplaced it then how did you know exactly where it was? ydi for having a fake celebrity id


popatia 0

Why do you have a fake celebrity ID?

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

if you misplaced it then how did you know exactly where it was? ydi for having a fake celebrity id

I don't even understand this one. What is a finder and why do you have a fake "celebrity entertainment" Id?

#6 the finders are the people who found his wallet. A fake celebrity enertainment id is something you would make for fun. but it had his name and picture so you could compare it to his actual id and you would know it was him. to the OP. FYL i hate when people don't take me seriously.

daboodidaboodi 0

Lol even the sentimental people on fml didn't care. How do these FMLs get accepted when mine don't?

princess_bk2014 16

Why would you take out your only form of picture ID in the first place?

I'm completely confused by this post lol