By BMike - 11/07/2011 18:16 - United States

Today, I moved into my new house. I went over to my neighbors' house to introduce myself. As they opened the door I saw a telescope pointed at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 592
You deserved it 2 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mi24hind 0

I wonder if that's why the original owner moved.


they just wanna get to know you :D

Thrashmetaldrumm 3

draw pictures of penises and put them on your windows so that's all they see.

LifeStory32 9

Looks like it's time to move again

I guess they already knew who you were

sunlovinmama 1

at least you know now b4 u start running around ur house naked with the curtains open

lopezk 0

lmao b4 yu got there they knew yu already creeps..

9WTF8 1

wth that is freakin creepy!!! id be like " ummm why is ur telescope pointed at my house???"