By BMike - 11/07/2011 18:16 - United States

Today, I moved into my new house. I went over to my neighbors' house to introduce myself. As they opened the door I saw a telescope pointed at my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 592
You deserved it 2 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mi24hind 0

I wonder if that's why the original owner moved.


this makes me a little hesitant to meet my neighbors...

ehampton 5
bloodshedblack 5
Osito2011 9

maybe they use it to look at the moon in your window.

Who would peep with a telescope?! You cant spy on someone with one unless they are like miles and miles and miles away, its not for getting a better look at something 50 feet away, thats binoculars, so get over yourself, everyone in the world isnt trying to bang you, probably beat anyways and thats why you have to make up situations where people are stalking you

Quagmire must have been like obhhhh right

My bad.. Ill tell my grandma to find another, apparently your not down to shake your ass for a buss pass?.. ;/

LDloodle 2

ALWAYS meet the neighbors before you buy a new home!!!!