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By Anonymous - 12/10/2015 15:43 - United States - Corona

Today, I nearly got written up at work for missing an important memo. The memo was sent to everyone via the company Facebook group and not by our e-mail system. My manager could hardly believe people exist who have no Facebook account and have no intention of making one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 997
You deserved it 2 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

tell your boss he needs to send it via FML

Your boss seems very unprofessional. Honestly, a company relying on Facebook messenger to keep employees in contact does not seem all too appealing to work for.


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Honestly, just make a Facebook. I was in the same boat 4 years ago, I made a Facebook with a fake name and a cartoon image for the sole reason of joining the group I needed to join and getting any new posts there by email. That account has cost me very little grief. Just set the email settings so you get only the ones you care about (basically only private messages and new posts in your groups) and after that you can just totally forget about it.

Don't get one OP. Not worth it. Anything important should be sent over the company's server email. If they don't do that, that is not your fault. I have a Facebook and I haven't been on in about 4 years now. It's just a waste of time and they send lots of emails "... Wants to connect with you" "we want you back". Blah blah blah. My spam is all Facebook crap I have 0 interest in. Stay pure OP!

You can turn the emails off, the only ones I receive are to confirm it is me trying to log into my account.

As part of a job I always had to use the systems that are used internally. If your company uses facebook for networking, you need to set up an account. I know it's not professional. Suggest setting up a private social network - there are some around. Let's put it that way: if you didn't like having an e-mail account would you also see that as the company forcing you to use a service you dislike.

the descent into infamy is a quick one, the downvotes ensued

Did they not mention it at work? Like... In the days beforehand?

RedPillSucks 31

tell your boss he needs to send it via FML

"That sucks OP. To all employees of the Standard Company, remember that tomorrow is Bring Your Pet To Work Day. All males must be wearing black ties and all females must be wearing wedding dresses, because we might get bored and marry them. PS: No Mrs Morris, you can't bring your spider collection. Not after the last time. Have a great weekend."

How is tomorrow Bring Your Pet to Work Day if the boss closes the memo with "have a great weekend?" That closing suggests that the memo was posted on a Friday, making tomorrow Saturday which usually means no work.

I think the pervy sage needs to have a "talk" with op's boss. :P

Because Facebook is totally the best way to communicate with your coworkers.

Even if i did have a facebook why would i want to friend my boss and coworkers unless i was really close friends with them. Same goes for other social media

Wait you can check Facebook at work? Where do you work?

that's nothing, at my workplace people just sit and play computer games all day. work at a customer care center and between calls you can do whatever you like..

writergirl1029 17

Not at all of them. I've worked at two and they block the heck out of websites. I was even in technical support for a phone company, and they blocked access to tech forums.

Your boss seems very unprofessional. Honestly, a company relying on Facebook messenger to keep employees in contact does not seem all too appealing to work for.

Thank you OP!! Finally someone other than myself that has no desire or need for Facebook. Good to know I'm not the only one that has no desire to be friended but not actually friends with everyone I've ever met.

MonstreBelle 29

You're not the only one. Nobody understands why I deactivated my account. It's like my MySpace account that I haven't been on in years, I just don't care about it anymore.

Badkarma4u 17

I too am a facebook holdout. I have no desire to have one.

Facebook is all drama and a waste of time. I only keep it for private msgs when ppl change their phone # and to send my mom candy crush lives. gotta keep mum happy!

rabbi1010 29

i have one. rarely use it. i find that facebook helps when youre trying to get a point across, breaking up with someone, unfriending people or trying to get important news to others. most people take it more serious when its "facebook" official.

she isn't the only 1, although I am guilty of once having 1 it's been years since mine was deleted

You rarely get paid for doing things that you desire to do. I really don't understand all this "i don't wanna friend my boss" thing. It is just a messenger, use it as such.