By DSCC - 28/09/2015 03:07 - United States - Akron

Today, I noticed I spend so much time with my cats that I tend to hiss at things that scare me or that I don't like. I'm turning into a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 505
You deserved it 9 967

DSCC tells us more.

Op here I happen to take regular showers and I have a boyfriend I've been with for 5 years so just because I may be a crazy cat lady does not mean I am single or smelly have a good day sir :)

Top comments

Reckon there are worst things you could turn into. Start worrying if you start licking yourself and join the wrong type of clowder. Good luck OP!


It's been years since my childhood pet (a cat) passed away. But if my boyfriend is bothering me and I´m busy with something I will hiss at him to say "Back off, I will get to you later.".

I'm sorry about your cat :( but I do the same to mine mostly when I trying to play a game and he's interrupting me

Op here I happen to take regular showers and I have a boyfriend I've been with for 5 years so just because I may be a crazy cat lady does not mean I am single or smelly have a good day sir :)

One of the best FML's I've read in a loooong time!

Live with 5 cats and a 4 year old who like to have animal conversations with you we will have hour long conversations with just meows hissed barks and growls

I feel with you, I tend to make this hissing-screech like sound at times

don't worry op, I do it too. I also hiss and growl when I feel threatened or am pissed. you'll adopt other traits as well, but that's in time. I love cats so it doesn't matter.

olpally 32

You live a fun life op! Lol. That's hilarious! I'd find that adorable!

Geckosrock99 33

My iguana nods and occasionally hisses at things he doesn't like. My boyfriend and I would sometimes do the same to each other. Like we know that the head nod is mostly a territory dominance thing, so sometimes my boyfriend will start nodding at something, and I'll nod back until one if us stops. Weird, yes, but it gets a laugh out of both of us, and anyone who happens to see it. As for the hissing, I'll ask if my boyfriend wants to do something, could be anything from a fun activity to a chore, and he'll hiss if he doesn't want to. He only does that with me and anyone who understands what he means. I hiss at him too, depending on what it is, but never in a serious conversation.