By DSCC - 28/09/2015 03:07 - United States - Akron

Today, I noticed I spend so much time with my cats that I tend to hiss at things that scare me or that I don't like. I'm turning into a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 505
You deserved it 9 967

DSCC tells us more.

Op here I happen to take regular showers and I have a boyfriend I've been with for 5 years so just because I may be a crazy cat lady does not mean I am single or smelly have a good day sir :)

Top comments

Reckon there are worst things you could turn into. Start worrying if you start licking yourself and join the wrong type of clowder. Good luck OP!


I hiss at things too. Don't worry, you're good.

CliffyB03 28

You're the kind of people I don't associate with

I may be weird but at least I don't isolate people for the way they act maybe in the future you can I don't know not judge people for their weirdness and maybe get to know them before you decide who you are going to associate with you may find some of us "people" are the coolest people you have ever met

I hiss too, my real name is Kat, so I'm allowed. Congratulations, you're awesome too ;-)

I would also be classified as a crazy cat lady, and I have a boyfriend nor do I smell (:

This sounds like something my co-worker would do.

Correction, you are turning into the crazy cat lady

I don't even have a cat and I do this ?