By DSCC - 28/09/2015 03:07 - United States - Akron

Today, I noticed I spend so much time with my cats that I tend to hiss at things that scare me or that I don't like. I'm turning into a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 505
You deserved it 9 967

DSCC tells us more.

Op here I happen to take regular showers and I have a boyfriend I've been with for 5 years so just because I may be a crazy cat lady does not mean I am single or smelly have a good day sir :)

Top comments

Reckon there are worst things you could turn into. Start worrying if you start licking yourself and join the wrong type of clowder. Good luck OP!


That's not a bad thing! I hiss at things for ages!

Go, shit in his box, that will teach him

I erm do the same thing, I also growl like my puppy.

That should be every mans dream, .....Here, kitty, kitty...and SHE SCORES. It sounds, like a win-win situation to me.

I hiss, curl up and purr like a cat. Growing up I acted like an animal because I thought some animals were cool and some habits stick.

Have tried liking your own balls already?

That would be hard seeing I don't have any but no I haven't

I purr when something feels good (like massages, not sexual feel good).

Oh man that reminds me of the time when I was in seventh grade and I was in the habit of hissing at things when I didn't have an answer for something or to show my dislike for something. I had no clue it was weird because my mom never told me and I weirded out all the kids. Ohhh the embarrassment.

lol dont worry man, worry when your like me, in your junior year and still freaking people the **** out with your total emotional detatchment from life and see everything living as deserving to die (or at least thats what I tell them I think)

Catlover1130 14

I'm a cat person and I always do this. Just accept it and have fun with it.