By Foufinator - 04/10/2009 19:33 - France

Today, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I was starving and it was the fastest thing to order. Half way through it, I found something which does not belong, and removed it. It was half a cockroach, and I don't know where the other half is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 131
You deserved it 3 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Expertfail 0

Maybe it was a really deformed half-cockroach? Or maybe you ate it.


anyone using the phrase "it's just protein!" is an ass hat. there was plentiful protein in the chicken, surely, and you yourself would be like WTFOMGFML if you took a bite of a sandwhich and found half a cockroach up in your mayo. STFU. besides, one single roach is higher in bacteria carried all over its little crunchy body than six or seven roaches combined would be in protein.

7red 2

And that's why I don't eat fast food when I go in US

funsizedfreek 4
coolsunshinebear 14

I had a dream yesterday that i ate a sandwich with a cockroach... I feel for you...

Mind if I take a lucky guess about the location of the missing half? x) Sorry OP not nice at all... better luck next time, I always open my sandwiches when they are not home made.

Now drink your own piss and you will become Bear Grylls.