By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 06:40 - Australia - Saint Marys

Today, I overheard a girl and a guy sitting behind me on the bus who were talking about Skyrim, one of my favourite games. After a while, I turned around and, as a fellow gamer, thanked them for restoring my faith in humanity. They went very quiet. I'm now that weird guy on the bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 834
You deserved it 38 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I used to be that guy, then I took an arrow to the knee

Relax. You were probably that weird guy on the bus WAY before this incident.


florido_fml 10

"So I'm a stormcloak and you're an imperial, does that make..." "OMG you restored my faith in humanity." -__- *awkward silence* yea I think that made you weird.

What makes a game good is how fun it is to play. Skyrim creates a world and let's you explore it to your hearts content, and makes it fun to explore. If you're looking for art then go play Shadow of the Colossus or Journey.

Well this WAS a reply to someone else, but fml has been putting my comments all over the place lately so I guess it could be worse.

Shadow of The Colossus and Journey were fun as well, though. Video games should ideally be a mix of art and fun.

I picture you with glasses, big greasy hair and a really nasally voice using exaggerated hand gestures to express yourself to these people, which tells me exactly why you scared the shit out of them.

Do you wear a jacket that's 2 sizes too big and have long shaggy hair? You're probably really scrawny. That's how I've imagined you.

Clearly your speech skill just wasn't high enough. But kudos for at least proving people wrong that games arn't socially inept.... Oh, wait...

alexicanaaa 7

Faith in humanity because people play one of your favorite games? Lame. Worry about more important stuff.

Reality_bites 14

They were having a private conversation, one that you were not invited to join in on. Sorry but you just dont butt into other peoples conversations (especially if you dont know them!!). Its rude and weird.