By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 06:40 - Australia - Saint Marys

Today, I overheard a girl and a guy sitting behind me on the bus who were talking about Skyrim, one of my favourite games. After a while, I turned around and, as a fellow gamer, thanked them for restoring my faith in humanity. They went very quiet. I'm now that weird guy on the bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 834
You deserved it 38 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I used to be that guy, then I took an arrow to the knee

Relax. You were probably that weird guy on the bus WAY before this incident.


raven50702 0

That was funny! That is the type of thing I'd do, for sure. You'll be alright-awkward or not.

zebralover23 14

You did take an arrow to the knee, right?

I remember a friend on my bus was annoying me so I yelled FUS RO DAH at them and some random guy ran up and hugged me- You again?

naduskalove 3

Lol that's funny . At least now you know what you shouldn't do when you're on the bus..

It wasn't your conversation; you are the creepy guy. YDI. Just because someone has a shared interest, it doesn't mean you can or they have any desire for you to I interject yourself into their conversation. You overheard someone, that's not an invitation to join in.

PYLrulz 17

Ah, so you're that type of person. Do us a favor, jump off the bus while it's moving

KingCeltic77 18