By Anonymous - 27/12/2013 20:18 - Jamaica - Kingston

By Anonymous - 27/12/2013 20:18 - Jamaica - Kingston
By shopper242 - 22/11/2010 12:29 - France
By right - 02/08/2013 14:08 - United Kingdom - Weymouth
By GladYoureConcerned - 30/12/2014 18:15 - United States - Glendale
By iwassoclose - 10/04/2013 16:32 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 22:46 - United States
By Embarrassed - 04/02/2011 00:28
By sneezeattack - 14/05/2012 05:27 - United States - Aurora
By sa la vash - 14/03/2015 08:22 - Netherlands
By klsdhjla - 15/02/2010 01:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/01/2018 06:00
doesn't matter had sex...?
Kinda does matter, and if he can't enjoy sex with Op because of That, then perhaps a dry spell reminder that her intimacy is a privilege, not a right, is in order. :p
Time to look up a camel having a stroke?
Tell his friends that you faked it and see how he feels after that
Thats hot
how about no
Camels scare me in general. Have you ever seen the inside of their mouth? Scariest thing ever..
...why are you looking inside camels' mouths?
It's not like I tried to look in its mouth. My friend had showed me a picture of a camel yawning & pointed out how creepy it was.
Crispy...your picture......I can't exactly understand why
After these kind of fml im starting to think I should hide my face, when I'll have sex.
4- Nah, don't hide it, embrace it! Personally, the last thing I'm doing during sex is looking to critique my partner's O-face, as I'm a little distracted in the moment. ;P But if that's really a serious concern for you, either dim the lights, or practice in front of a mirror or something. I vote for not giving a shit, but to each their own. ;P
well I have kind of low self esteem so im scared I will look creepy as **** xD and to fap in front of a mirror..? uhm. I don't know..
Judging by your picture, you have nothing to worry about; you're gorgeous
Was it at least hump day
Just shut it
next ****** will be with another partner GUARANTEED
Well that's a bit harsh, don't you think? Nothing that can't be talked over. . .
Camels don't talk.
I think that would make him a camel jockey.
At least you came.
Tell his friends that you faked it and see how he feels after that
doesn't matter had sex...?