By Anonymous - 27/12/2013 20:18 - Jamaica - Kingston

Today, I overheard my boyfriend bragging to his friend about finally giving me an orgasm yesterday, but that he got scared because my orgasm face made me look like "a camel having a stroke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 203
You deserved it 5 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell his friends that you faked it and see how he feels after that


Next time you're about to ****** just grab his head and yell "MIKE MIKE MIKE MIKE MIKE! GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!"

cryssycakesx3 22

Does the camel having a stroke have camel toe?

jefrey 9

hmmm how he knows how a camel face looks like when its having a stroke? he is from kuwait?

Say he looks like Rocky Denise taking a sh*t

How does he know what a camel having a stroke looks like?

"camel stroke" is a term used in the show The League. It's just referring to the face someone makes when they have an ******. It's not a good or bad thing, so I hope you read this and stop being mad at him, lol.

KrystaBaby13 2
mxij 13