By Embarrassed - 04/02/2011 00:28

By Embarrassed - 04/02/2011 00:28
By Anonymous - 27/12/2013 20:18 - Jamaica - Kingston
By laury - 09/05/2012 02:05 - Canada - Port Elgin
By Juliett - 29/08/2019 19:00 - United States - Wisconsin Rapids
By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 22:46 - United States
By Highnapple - 04/03/2015 07:55 - Canada - Sarnia
By klsdhjla - 15/02/2010 01:23 - United States
By you+me-clothes=53>< - 19/11/2013 17:13 - Austria - Vienna
By Jen - 20/03/2012 05:11 - United States - Woodland Hills
By Anonymous - 20/04/2021 23:00
By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco
You should've punched him in the nuts
WTF? Today, I got my first ******. FML. People these days...
AN downs syndrome? seriously? I don't mean to be a grammar Nazi but... really?
my head hurt after reading that
Dumb much?
Something you'll never experience 181
Something you'll probably never experience
And I wonder what kind of idiot he looks like when he has an ******. No one looks cool, I promise.
nice smile and good advice! you can relax with me anytime ;-)
how does one relax during an ******?
then he has never made anyone climax before no one looks cute unless they are faking it
thank you for that bit of information
or ur a virgin
OP's eyes probably go cross-eyed when she climaxes.
7 - Not to be mean or anything, but how do you know?
you can't honestly believe that.
Oh Christ, what a time to impose and inflict your beliefs and religion into a conversation. They are people not animals, just because one is disabled doesn't allow you call them cute and disregard their feelings. I did spend time with a child who had DS and he knew right and wrong and even though he had a terrible case of DS and passed away several years after and I still remember him, he was more of a friend than somebody who I knew who had a terrible disorder.
religion is fake, grow a pair and make your own desiscions.
I beg to differ, all wars are sometimes used to control people and majority of that is done by propaganda. Even though I'm an atheist, I still am quite understanding to people who's belief in any religion and expect the same from them shady cult-type people. ;)
#43, last I checked humans are animals... not plants or fungi.
Jesus is as real as the wars started in his name LOL
Christianity is a religon based on Jesus Christ. Just because Christians believe in him, does not mean that they should be Jewish. One big difference is that the belief of individuals who consider themselves Jewish believe that he has not yet came to our "rescue." Individuals with certain religious beliefs do not follow 'em because they want to be just like their God or Gods, but more so because their prespective of their God or Gods and life pertains more to that religion.
Damn I hate it when the Cristian Jewish-zombie-******* turn a simple FML into a theological debate. We're here for the entertainment, not to be preached at.
my brother is DS and he is perfect in every way along with many other DS children tell your boyfriend he is a ass hole because the mentally challenged are the greatest blessings of the world!!!!
i totally agree! that is a hella ****** up thing to say
#9 Now I have nothing against mentally challenged people and I don't think that they are ugly or anything... But "perfect in every way"? "Greatest blessings of the world"??? Being mentally challenged is an imperfection (hence the "challenged" part). And being responsible for someone unable to fend for himself is not a blessing. You really don't do any favors to yourself or the mentally challenged by spouting ridiculous nonsense.
what would ever make you say that? on what grounds? please tell me how many special needs kids you're close to because i'll tell you that they are the sweetest, most loving people in the entire world. taking care of them might not be easy but its worth it, and you don't truly understand until you actually do it.
I'm not saying they are a curse or anything of the kind. I'm just pointing out the obvious nonsense in claiming that they (or actually anything ever) is "perfect in every way". And yes, I have a mentally challenged person in my family - my great-aunt's son. He is middle aged and has never been able to fend for himself (as in - he cannot have a job and make money for food and shelter), because he is... well... mentally challenged. His mother has basically dedicated her life to caring for him. Which can be a beautiful thing, but he can hardly be nominated for "greatest blessing of the world"
I think that anyone who is born is a blessing. don't you guys know that children are one of the best things a parent can have in their life? it doesn't matter if they have a disease or not, it's the fact that they are alive that counts. I wouldn't look at a ds child as an imperfection. I honestly don't know how you could because nobody is perfect and we all have our own problems.
disease: an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning source: So DS is a disease. just saying:P Aside from that, I think all kids in life are blessings, I do disagree with the perfect in every way statement, but I won't bring up the buried hatchet by saying that no living thing is perfect. Yes, kids are blessings, even with DS or any other kind of disease, because on the inside they're still loving kids. :) I wish the best for your brother and hope he has an amazing life, as I hope you do. I think it's a great thing what you're doing:)
the people with down syndrome who I've met have been some of the funniest, caring, fun, and awesome people ever. it is not a disability at all.
Just because it's written doesn't necessary mean it's truth, it's a matter whether you believe in a higher being. Sure the guy might of sacrificed himself for his people but personally I do not believe of his/her or gods power. We are born equal at the end of the day and to dedicate yourself to a religion and praying/worshipping to a higher force is pointless in my eyes. History is sometimes flawed sometimes even if it's written in a book, it's not logical to assume that whatever is written really happened from believers who contributed to the bible.
Bah wrong FML comment thread.
Kids with downs aren't perfect , as pointed out in a previous post. They are genetically inferior FACT. As for blessings and curses , religion never really interested me but I know from first hand experience its easier to raise a disease-free child than a diseased child. There was no reason to go all preachy other than the fact that you feel all high and mighty and better than everyone whos beliefs differ from yours. As for OP fyi , theres plenty more fish in the sea.
My aunt was Downs and we loved her to death. She was very funny and sweet. No one is getting "preachy" when they make a comment like " they are sweet blessings and angels." It's just how they feel. If you can't handle it;too bad. Don't go on long rants trying to prove how "intellectually inferior" Downs Syndrome people are; your intelligence shows and it's not a pretty sight. :)
#64 I understand your point of view but I know that there's a God that does everything for a reason. That he answers all of our prayers and he lights are way. :)
#20 - so now the OP is ok for you to insult because of what her boyfriend said? #50 - you mean like the opinion of her boyfriend?
Okay, they may not be perfect, but they're pretty darn close! Some of the most lovely people I've known have been ds. They're so sweet and caring! <3
just because someone has ds doesn't mean there the greatest blessing in the world. there people just like everyone else. so what if they don't function the same way. so saying there the greatest blessing in the world is the dumbest thing to say. like you may as well say I'm the greatest blessing in the world. (see sounds pretty dumb.) congrats your a moron. :)
You're* kind of a moron. There's a difference between "there," "they're," and "their."
I would've punched him in the face for not only insulting me but insulting Down Syndrome kids! (I don't have Down Syndrome, it's just not a nice thing to say!)
I'm sorry tht jackass had 2 be so mean to your probably very sweet sister wow he is mean dump his ass and find someone better honey!!
I wrote that for 122 by the way sorry lol
LOL! I would too!
tell him that his brother didn't say that when he got you to ******. no brother? name some other male relative.
"Your gramps thought I look sweet!" I'd pay money to see his reaction to a line like that.
And I wonder what kind of idiot he looks like when he has an ******. No one looks cool, I promise.
I'd get a second opinion.