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By alejita - 02/03/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I overheard my daughter compliment my mother by saying "My mom is way flabbier than you, Grandma." When I told her later that she hurt my feelings, she told me to "man up." She's seven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 141
You deserved it 9 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The problem is that you took offense at what your daughter said. Kids say things like that, and when they say them, they're usually true. What were you trying to do, give your daughter a guilt-trip? It obviously didn't work.

potatopeeler 0


Your daughter is awesome and you should give her somethin' sweet for saying that.

Melody_fml 0

haha WOW...i'm sorry but maybe if a kid that doesnt even realize what their saying, is saying that maybe their right? i know my mom would rather know the truth over what she'd like to think....haha though i'd never say to my own your 3 times my size...over 300 freakin pounds...loose some weight b*tch but yeah haha cant xD point is...yeahs...sorry and it could be worse...atleast shes little. its worse when a teenager says it cause then its not just said to say it.

potatopeeler 0

The problem is that you took offense at what your daughter said. Kids say things like that, and when they say them, they're usually true. What were you trying to do, give your daughter a guilt-trip? It obviously didn't work.

I don't think that's what she was trying to do. I think she wanted to teach her that when people tell you "you hurt my feelings" the noble thing to do is say "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that. It won't happen again" kids are getting less and less empathetic.

I think she was trying to lead up to telling her it was bad manners so she wouldn't say it about anybody later in life?

Katatonik 0

At that age its cute. Just work on conscientiousness, tact, and sensitivity.