By alejita - 02/03/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I overheard my daughter compliment my mother by saying "My mom is way flabbier than you, Grandma." When I told her later that she hurt my feelings, she told me to "man up." She's seven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 141
You deserved it 9 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The problem is that you took offense at what your daughter said. Kids say things like that, and when they say them, they're usually true. What were you trying to do, give your daughter a guilt-trip? It obviously didn't work.

potatopeeler 0


skitz 0

I actually laughed out loud at this one. Greatest kid ever. Sorry for you, though.

if she said that, it was probably for a reason..i mean kids say stuff like that..but if u have a problem with it then tell her! you are her mother..

I want my daughter to be like that..."man up!" I love it...

whattheeff 0

maybe teach her some manners ? control your kids !

Funny how your problem is that it hurt your feelings -- you never said her statement was false. So if it was true, just laugh about it. Also, try Weight Watchers. I lost 40 lbs. Not kidding.

CaptainCasual 0

That's what happens when they are raised by the TV.

It really is a shame that society punishes honesty like this.

MeredithD1 1

what I think is really sad is that small children are already so overly conscious of weight, not only in themselves but in adults, and they are already judging others, based on weight. Some of the comments above, supposedly made by "adults," reflect extreme prejudice against weights they find unacceptable. Whatever has happened with having compassion for your fellow man. Why is it so much easier to be insulting. I wish parents would stop having weight fights and calling each other weighty names and calling others weighty names where their children can imitate them. BTW that's not limited to "weight." leave your prejudices at the door and love your fellow man. a little love goes a long way.

I think her grandmother was just asking her who was flabbier. So she answered honestly. Don't make a big deal about it. Kids say the darndest things. :) But seriously, I think if your seven year old tells you to man up, you should probably man the hell up. Just sayin'.

a little love may go a long way, but remember we're talking about fatties here. some of these people here probably wear pants large enough to make a 3 ring circus tent out of.