Broke boy

By Noname - 02/03/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, I went to Tiffany's to exchange a bracelet my boyfriend had given me for our year anniversary. It was the first gift that he actually spent money on me for. The sales lady then told me that the bracelet was not a real Tiffany's item. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 819
You deserved it 21 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

potatopeeler 0

Why would you want to exchange that?

Chasted 0

I guess karma is a bitch. Exchanging your boyfriends gift for cash and all


potatopeeler 0

Why would you want to exchange that?

YDI for trying to exchange a gift your boyfriend bought you

so true. even if you know it's fake, at least he made the effort. maybe he's broke!!! but really, what did u get for him?

nightELFassasin6 0

and how much money have u ever spent on him?

Chasted 0

I guess karma is a bitch. Exchanging your boyfriends gift for cash and all

Why did it change from a bracelet to a necklace?

So, this bracelet... it wasn't a necklace from Tiffany's. Next time you make up a story, could you please at least proof read it once?

I don't get why girls care so much about expensive jewelry, but that does kind of blow.

If the FML is that her boyfriend didn't spend enough money on her, then suck it up OP, he might not have enough money. If it looked genuine then why did it matter, and why were you exchanging a gift? If the FML was that OP's boyfriend lied and pretended that it was a Tiffanys bracelet when it wasn't, the FYL OP for having a boyfriend who can't be honest.

This has FML written all over it. You know, as in Fake My Life. #4 said it.

If this is true, it's your fault for trying to exchange a gift. Perhaps next time you should just accept it. However, I too question why it went from bracelet to necklace ?