By WildaRora - 14/03/2013 07:19 - Australia

Today, I picked up my new car. The dealer offered to connect my iPhone to the Bluetooth system for me. Once connected it automatically started playing the audiobook I had been listening to over the stereo system. Right on a passage which had an extremely graphic description of anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 287
You deserved it 19 053

WildaRora tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. The dealer was femalel, I doubt she was older than 25 and we managed to laugh it off. After me nearly dying from embarrassment she actually asked what the book was. And no, it wasn't 50 Shades of Grey. It was not just the description of the act that was so bad, it was the moans and groans that the narrator put along with it. It sounded like really bad **** - not that I know what that sounds like! Thing is I was shocked when it came up in the audiobook, which is why it was stopped at that part. Later on I listened to the rest of it and boy was I glad that I managed to stop it when I did. I am really thankful that I found out about this feature before I took my parents for a drive.

Top comments

Audio ****, nice, I bet your dealer enjoyed that earful of 50 shades of grey.


Better be alert which listening to that in your car, you might get 'rear-ended'.

Something tells me your "stupid autocorrect" changed 'while' to 'which.' RIP.

16- Who are you telling to Rest In Peace...?

when I commented on the typo he had many thumbs down so I anticipated a timely burial. Now that the error has been cleared up, he's in approval heaven. A hasty assumption on my part.

Well his day certainly got a bit more interesting

Don't worry, OP. The dealer had already heard it. Didn't you know? All car dealers go through extensive training of how to **** someone in the ass.

Life can't suck too bad if you got a new car.

perdix 29

As you went to shut it off, the dealer blocked your hand saying, "I've got to know if he goes balls deep!"

Next time add some sugar free jelly beans to the mix so your humiliation can be even more complete!!!!

chlorinegreen 27

Oh wait I get it now ha my bad

perdix 29

#19, sounds like a new Urban Dictionary entry is about to be invented. I wonder what American city or state with be "honored" this time. There are the: Cleveland Steamer Boston Pancake Alaska Pipeline Alabama Hot Pocket etc. PS: If you don't know what these are, don't look them up.

perdix 29

#39, you know, I keep telling people NOT to look things up, they do and then regret it. When will they ever learn? With such unprecedented access to vast amounts of information, people are going to have to apply some wisdom about which ones to take in. I see a growth industry in Purposeful Ignorance (TM)! After falling for the Blue Waffle and the above-mentioned concepts, I've successfully avoided finding out what Special Fried Rice is, and I think I'm better for it!

Good for you perdix, I really wish I could unsee that picture.

In the butt. You wanna do it in my butt? In my Butt? You wann do it in my butt in my butt? You wanna do it in my butt in my butt? Lets do it in the butt OKAY!

It's not the end of the world. I would've stopped all apps/programs and put it to home screen before handing it over though. Not even through paranoia, just because he doesn't need to see what you were doing last, even if not necessarily true, it feels like it would be easier to connect from a blank, neutral state and it just seems polite, if that makes sense, like closing the toilet after using or logging out before letting someone else use a laptop. But maybe that's just me...

All the programs were stopped. I was holding onto the iPhone, she hit the Bluetooth button and search on the console and I pressed connect when it came up on my iPhone. It just started to play automatically. There is probably some switch I need to deselect or something, I will have to look into it. Otherwise make sure I listen to something harmless before I hop into the car whenever I am driving someone else.

Huh, well that sucks. I don't think that would happen on my phone but then I don't have an iPhone so I guess they're different.