By Electro - 11/02/2016 21:51 - United States - Nashua

By Electro - 11/02/2016 21:51 - United States - Nashua
By beerpong26 - 06/02/2009 19:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 18:01 - United States
By numbcrumb - 18/09/2017 23:15
By nnniii - 16/11/2015 04:55 - United States - Seattle
By dumbassbuffet - 11/11/2011 15:53 - Canada
By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 18:18 - Singapore
By Username - 02/08/2011 02:46 - United States
By Sorry kitty - 15/10/2023 09:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/02/2012 12:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/03/2012 04:50 - Canada
Not cool for you, but how to?
lmfao i imagined some guy with a monocle and a cane saying this.
Pretty predictable, actually.
The mere thought is reVolting
I find this comment thread electrifying, really.
Very few puns on this FML are actually going to be entertaining.
Watt are you talking about?
Man, you guys should be more direct in your opinions, and not alternating.
I believe that was a *gets shot*...
In hospital* I believe that was a-*gets electrocuted*
You tried too hard "and that is why you fail." *In my Yoda voice*
How did I fail exactly? I got what I wanted
What's happening in this thread?
Oh my god, just leave that shit in 2014
Stop rubbing your Wong where it don't belong
I have a stitch. Thank you my dear.
???... Decent life lesson
Oh no... It's labeled under intimacy...
Static shock is for amateurs. I once pissed on an electric fence.
Got drunk & humped one of those bug zappers. Sobered up pretty quick.
Well I mean don't leave us hanging, OP, how painful is it?! :p
How would You know
Only a man can understand that pain.
I'm very static-prone, since I work with a bunch of material that causes it. I've been shocked in almost every place, but yikes. That feeling must be very uncomfortable, but at least it's super short-lived. :)
Oh no... It's labeled under intimacy...
Stop rubbing your Wong where it don't belong