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By iharethissomuxh - 11/11/2010 05:30 - Canada

Today, I played a volleyball game at my school. Not only did I miss the winning point, the ball hit my face in the process, which resulted in popping a big fat zit on my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 587
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what is the problem? The ball did the work for you.

Probably because it was a zit.. Just a thought.


HA. I'm pretty sure it was me who played u

MrsGotPickles 0

23 - His pretty hot? His pretty hot what? I'm sorry but I don't seems to understand what you're saying, 23.

doggone456 0

I don't think u do either... it's He's

doggone, let me break it down for you since you don't seem to understand Grammar Naziing. MrsPickles used the incorrect form of "you're," using the possessive "your" instead. Therefore, Mehness attempted to correct MrsPickles by pointing out that her comment, if taken literally, makes no sense. If you don't get it, then go back to grade school to learn the difference between "you're" and "your." Yes, I understand that it's "only the internet" and yes, I understand that she got her point across and yes, we've all heard these arguments repeatedly. But this being a comment section on a website is not an excuse for poor grammar, nor will it ever be. Have some goddamned respect for the English language. Too long; didn't write.

Grammar naziing is stupid. Yes I can understand that people will be pissed off if they see a comment that is so off grammar-wise and spelling-wise that they can't understand. But people here nitpick on the one error that they see in an otherwise logically sound and otherwise grammatical sentence. It just goes to show that people care less about the content of what is being said (which in this case does happen to be pretty stupid) and more about how it's delivered, which is complete bullshit. If you're going to call him out on anything, call him out on how stupid it is to comment on how hot someone is on an FML comment board. I'm not saying abandon all grammatical conventions, I'm saying stop the idiocy.

Evil Monkey your right I usually don't pick on people for one error but its when there made repeatedly that's what get's on my nerves it bothers me and other people alot

You're complaining about errors, and there are multiple in that sentence. Not paragraph. Sentence. 1No commas or periods. 2.horrible grammar.

Lazor, you don't know me very well, do you? You seem to be new here, so I'll cut you a break. That comment was for illustration purposes only. Get it now? The irony? Yes?

starrysky4 0

12-says the lady with vampire fangs

doc = dumbass loser who corrects grammar on an internet website

Quest_ 13

Your zit just wanted in on the fun!

TaylorTotsYumm 10

..And ended up getting killed in the process.

Sesh54 7

R.I.P Mr.Zit you will be missed :'(

your lucky it wasn't basketball or else that ball would have smashed your whole face.

And that's the only thing the ball managed to do..? Pop a zit? It didn't bruise your nose or give you a bloody nose? Sounds..unlikely. Or just a one in a million chance of that happening.

deafeningsilence 8

I agree with 10. As a volleyball player, I've never seen a ball pop a zit. Maybe it gives a bruise or even a bloody nose.. but never pop a zit..

I'd say it's somewhat believable only because I've been hit in the face with almost everything from a basketball, softball, hockey puck, football, etc; the only time I ever got a bruise was a badminton racket. xD

bigphill1333 0

#39 We can tell you have been hit in the face with things... Alot

vannahlol 6

#41, that was completely uncalled for.

as mean as 41 was, I have yo admit it was a good one.

bigphill1333 0

Yea idk I was bored. I'm usually not that mean but yea lol

i_smell_failure 0

at least you don't have to deal with the nose zit...those hurt so bad