By Anonymous - 01/02/2011 02:39 - United States

Today, I politely complimented a stranger's excellent posture. She responded by saying "I have a metal rod in my back." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 586
You deserved it 7 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She says metal rod in back, I say wooden stick up ass.

Katwaffles 0

you should've smiled and winked and said "oooh, so THAT'S your secret." *nod, elbow nudge* like you're part of some kind of special, elite straight-back club. pat them on the back and walk off.


maybe that's what you need nowadays. ;)

I also have rods in my back, but it doesn't really hurt anymore. My posture still sucks though.

I agree. I have two rods in my BK and mines horrible.

atleast she always looks like she stands straight as **** xD

i doubt that "a ****" stands straight... retard

idiot. I'm not a retard, and talk about being mean.... I can't make a little joke about someone who always stands straight, but you can call someone a retard? and plus, I don't have a metal rod up my ass like you do xD

Katwaffles 0

you should've smiled and winked and said "oooh, so THAT'S your secret." *nod, elbow nudge* like you're part of some kind of special, elite straight-back club. pat them on the back and walk off.

I'm going to agree with you. For I am apart of said club.

you do realize "apart" and "a part" are two completely different things right?

People get offended for everything. she could have said "thank you" what a b#%^*

she probably got that rod for getting her ass beat for being a bitch all the time

She says metal rod in back, I say wooden stick up ass.

xXpeachesXx 0

Every time I see your picture I try to figure out if you're telling us your penis size, or trying to pull the last hair you have on your head out. lol

I've never written a comment just to say "WIN", but this time I must. But poor guy, what did he ever do to you?? xD

It also sounds like she has a nice wooden pole up her ass.

Just because she has a metal rod doesn't mean shit. Trust me i have one. Unless she was special and had one down the full length of her back which i doubt. She is just a b*%$&!

I have mine because of scoliosis, which is what a lot of people have them for. Could also be for some sort of back injury, lordosis, etc.

12345ag 3

it's just as common to have a full rod as it is to have a lower rod. (full rods are used to treat scoliosis and kyphosis in the thoracic vertebrae) So I guess a lot of people are "really special". including me. so thanks, but no thanks for your input, genius. think before you comment.

I have a rod from neck to ass and mines still bad LOL I agree that the person was being a b or could have just said ty

I only have rods down the top half of my back as I had an A typical 60° S shape. Because of this I have amazing posture, I literally can't slouch and if I try it hurts. I love having perfect posture with minimal effort (talk about lazy I know ;) )

YDI, in a good way. I mean, is "Nice boobs" any less of a compliment because they're implants?

Nice boobs is actually a little rude if it's to a complete stranger

I'm keep forgetting the vast majority here don't get sarcasm...

It's something called being Nice... Try it sometime