By thanks gramps - 19/04/2013 07:27 - Canada - Whitehorse

Today, I posted a video of a dance I choreographed on Facebook. I got a notification a few hours later telling me that my grandpa had also shared it. His caption? "My granddaughter dances like a gay baboon and this dance sucks balls. Throw grapes at her." Thanks grandpa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 800
You deserved it 9 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you made a Harlem shake video, he took it easy on you.

Well, now you know what to call the first Broadway show you do. The Gay Baboon.


RedPillSucks 31

Give grandpa some props for being able to work the technology... Be careful what you wish for

I am sure you dance like a straight baboon. I hope his post did not give you the redass.

scottyspot 11

I want to see this dance now.

implastikz 7

I can imagine gramps watching you dance

If that happened, I would be that person eating the grapes..

Your grandfather has some of the most creative insults ever, I want lessons from him.

homiwan 13

He is just trying to help you get on YouTube, I mean with a catchy title like that who wouldn't watch it? Although I'd be a little worried what tags it would be under.

homiwan 13

Please send the youtube link...the comment section will clarify if your grandad was right!