By PityKitty - 24/12/2013 16:53

Today, I pretended to cry in front of my cat because she doesn't cuddle with me anymore. Yeah, I tried to guilt-trip my cat into loving me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 136
You deserved it 12 286

Same thing different taste

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I used to pretend to cry, in order to coax my elderly cat into eating. It usually worked. Kept her alive for at least another year. Most cats I've ever had, have responded to crying with cuddling. My dog, however, dislikes crying. She finds it awkward, and tries to avoid me, when I cry.

Some cats just don't have any feelings, I miss my empathetic cat..

ShortyJorty 9

You tried to guilt-trip your cat?? You've got to be kitten me... You need help right meow.

Hmmm....the same tactics mothers use. Well played.

Ive tried cus ive had quite a few cats before and most would come up to me but the cat i have now is a "attention *****" lol she loves everyone or anything that pays her attention

my cats the same. she cuddled me when she was a baby and now if I try to stroke her she runs away lol. she only loves me when I have her favourite toy or some treats :(