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By sliceddice - 10/03/2010 16:08 - Denmark

Today, I was crying because my cat died. My boyfriend cupped my face in his hands, looked me straight into the eyes and said, "I love seeing you cry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 492
You deserved it 3 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dacman48 0

#11's right, some girls look their best in different moods. sometimes its when their crying, laughing, wateve. i had a gf who looked amazing when she was pissed off. pissed her off alot, just to see that face ;)


SciGuy013 0

I think it might be a hint. *wink*

greendaygirl999 5

Never heard of a crying fetish before...lmao

some girls really do look hot when they crie...u should take it as a compliment bot a fml

pinkorchid88 0

he must have been joking... my boyfriend loves getting me angry becuse he says I look cute when I am... that doesn't mean he doesn't love me...Im sure that's how ur bf ment it as well

BadPinkKitty07 0

OP, I'm sure he meant it as a compliment. you know, like he's saying you're always pretty, even when you're upset. it's acttually kind of cute, in an awkward sort of way. sorry about your cat by the way. :(

just cry during sex, he'll love it. perhaps role play a raping.

Stewie Griffin: "Your anguish sustains me!"

I pity the fool that *insert funny joke*... I got nothing good for this one...

^ Who enjoys quoting Family Guy to people online? Yes #60 I'm talking to you.

Monikabug 9

I think that your boyfriend meant well in an off-the-wall kind of way. For instance, I wear a lot of make-up, and when girls cry, our make-up smears, revealing our true self, our natural skin. Maybe what your boyfriend means is that he likes seeing you cry, because that is when he gets to see the real you, the you without all of the glitz and glamour. (This is how my boyfriend attempted to explain this one to me...) In other words, I think that your man was saying that you are beautiful, too beautiful to be crying. He means well, he really does. So sorry about your cat though, OP. I hope it gets better for you, but for now FYL.

Successful troll boyfriend is successful.

maybe he means u look pretty when u cry...still kinda weird tho

zaharaMeeka 0

@118 haha yes senses fail! unless you didn't mean to quote

cocopuff96 0

THAT'S HORRIBLE!!!!! I'd leave him. honestly like don't waste ur time. anyone agree?

did he proceed to lick the tears off your face and moan passionately? I wouldn't dump him unless you want to wind up like the rats and pigeons he stitches together in his basement using dental floss. congrats on dating a psychopath!

Obviously I do. Yes #73, I'm talking to you. Was that a serious question?

kkamp516 10

Unsuccessful ruhtard is unsuccessful. lol jk xD

I think #77 is right. As bizarre as it sounds, some girls truly do just look flat out beautiful when they cry. It's not a sadistic thing or anything sick like that. It's just the vulnerability in their eyes is endearing. It makes you want to take care of them. That sort of thing. So while OP's boyfriend has NO gift for words, it sounds like he meant well. So.. this isn't really an FML or a YDI. Sorry about the cat though.

SciGuy013 0

I actually know the name for it. the fetish is called dacryphilia.

@143 I was suggesting a sentence for the comment above me. Hence the ^.

jonnyplayzaguita 0

your boyfriends one cool guy

Tell him you love seeing his tiny penis because it's just so adorable.

Maybe he wanted to say "I love you" or "I hate to see you cry" and got them mixed up.

qzamml 0

kick him in the balls and watch HIM cry..? =)

shiznutmuffin 0

oh I now I see it that way...hmmm didn't think about it like that...good point :)

Gannon1994 0

@140, your comment made LOL!

1. it is hot 2 I thinkits because it gives guys a sence of need, and is a crying person going to reject you if you being kind?

baby_val 0

he prolly just meant he thinks it's sweet tht uu actually have feelins.. maybe ur naturally cold hearted.. ha jk but nah he didn't mean he likes seein uu hurt dumbass don't be so Patheitc

say aw me too and kick him in the dry martinis?

i hate to see a girl cry. just makes me sad.

@77 he was ******** you, because that is utter rubbish

Monikabug 9

@223, it's an opinion, just because it is not yours does not make it rubbish. So, relax. :)

who wears that much makeup that when you cry it reveals the " true you"? I understand having smeared mascara but you're talking about pulling off layers.....nasty

It means lol it's funny that her cat died and now he is going to spray paint it gold and eat it. But don't worry, he'll use protection.

qzamml 0

lol 117 i WAS giggling the first few words but i just started laughing my ass off at "he'll use protection". lmao wtf. =P

hahaha. I love itt. this isn't horrible. if he dumps you, he'll see you cry and come straight back (;

Sun_Kissed18 25

@#6 I actually think he did. I think he was trying to give her a compliment while she was feeling upset but it came out wrong? Not sure. Unless her boyfriend really is that sadistic and loves to see her cry, meaning he loves seeing her hurt and in pain emotionally. In which case, that kinda sucks

rachness 0

@whydofirefliesdi. Because everything has to die buddy :( sad truth