By PityKitty - 24/12/2013 16:53

Today, I pretended to cry in front of my cat because she doesn't cuddle with me anymore. Yeah, I tried to guilt-trip my cat into loving me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 136
You deserved it 12 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments


don't cry for the pussy OP, if the pussy likes you it will come to you, and love you :)

Korra_fml 23

you sound JUST LIKE my mom. she's always trying to guilt-trip our 2 cats, and she tries to make the rest of us feel guilty when one of them lays down next to us and we always get to hear about how "the cats don't love me" at least every other day.

My cats always come to the rescue when im sad

It's okay OP, after some tuna and a device that will aid her in world domination, she'll cuddle you again.