By Anonymous - 23/12/2014 18:24 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She said, "Can't, bigamy's illegal." I still don't know if she was joking or not, because she keeps changing the subject whenever I mention it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 964
You deserved it 3 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether she's making a fool of you or not, it's clearly a no. It's not easy but don't waste your time and just move on from her OP

If she's joking, that's a horrible joke, and a horrible way to turn down a proposal. if she's not joking, there's an even bigger problem.. either way, this is a huge red flag.


OP, that implies that she's cheating on a marriage with you. Leave her and leave her now if that's true. If you ever find out who her husband is, inform him. Either way, don't let it go, keep bringing it up until you find out the truth.

Inform him? At least give the wife a chance to come clean on her own terms.

#16 what makes you think she'll ever come clean?

Or, y'know, they're seperated like some people do. I for one didn't get a divorce for over a decade even though we'd split and I moved to a different country. Why? Because I didn't want anything to do with her. Not even paperwork. It wasn't until she was getting ready to marry another guy that I got the papers in the mail.

clickme 17

Doesn't sound like she's joking to me. Sounds like she left a bastard and didn't bother to legally divorce him. It doesn't have to be bad for you, if that's the case simply go through the process with her to be done with the asshole

...or she was the twat and he's the one who walked out. I for one can't see any reason to refer to the possible ex-husband as a 'bastard'.

GummiieBear 12

Or she could just be married and cheating on her husband.

Could be any of the three (or an ebarassigly tasteless joke). The key here is to talk to her about it.

#20 even if the bastard was abusive and she left without legally divorcing because she wasn't going to risk further contact?

Whether she's joking or not, she clearly does not want to marry you. Her aversion of the topic may be her way of avoiding an uncomfortable discussion about why she doesn't want to marry you, if it's not an admission that you were the other man. If marriage is really that important to you, she's not a good candidate whether she was being serious or not.

I'd say that's a bad sign... whether or not she's joking with you. Personally, I wouldn't stand for it, but you do what you think is best. Good luck with that OP.

Yeah I don't think she wants that, girls who want to get married to someone can't stop talking about it.

It is possible that she was married but her husband refused to sign the divorce papers, meaning she can't get married again till he does. In some states its like that. Shitty but true. However, the fact that she keeps avoiding it means she is hiding something, and you're probably better off moving on.

Maybe she's already married but ran away from her husband.

Believe me.. When a women doesnt a. Scream yes or b. Start crying and gives you a big hug.. The answer is quite obvious. Sorry for youu