By Anonymous - 23/12/2014 18:24 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She said, "Can't, bigamy's illegal." I still don't know if she was joking or not, because she keeps changing the subject whenever I mention it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 964
You deserved it 3 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether she's making a fool of you or not, it's clearly a no. It's not easy but don't waste your time and just move on from her OP

If she's joking, that's a horrible joke, and a horrible way to turn down a proposal. if she's not joking, there's an even bigger problem.. either way, this is a huge red flag.


She could still technically be married but doesn't have the money to get a divorce.