By Anonymous - 06/06/2012 18:21 - United States

Today, I pulled a neck muscle while head-banging. I wasn't at a concert, and I'm not in a heavy metal band, but I do pretend that I am while I'm in the shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 589
You deserved it 24 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Usually in the shower I'm pulling a different muscle.

perdix 29

#29, that may be true for most men, but not for me. Mine can do curls and push-ups.


And you do that evry time you shower

The only reason you deserve this is cause you posted whining about it. Head banging in the shower is so metal, pulling neck muscles is a side effect, deal with it :P

rightspark 7

I daydream of women and being s a famous pro athletic when I shower;)

Haha I had my cousin do this while he was listening to dubstep in his car. No it wasn't while turning, it was just the drop at a red light. But about you, were you pretending to be in a mosh pit at a concert or just going crazy in the shower?

I voted you up cause you have teemo as your profile pic

russianmartini 2

*in Pickles the drummer voice* that is the most metal thing I've ever heard! High five!

Drizzelhell 3

Pickels the drummer!!! Hell yeah!!!!

soad2014 7

Pickles the drummer, doodly doo, ding dong diddly do do do :D

That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Buy a guitar, practice it and your headbanging. Perhaps someday you won't be pretending. Also, don't trip over the cable and drill your balls into the arm of a chair in the ensuing fall. That sucks worse than pulled neck muscles.

Aspen_Grace33 27

At least you didn't head bang right into the shower shelf or wall. You could have been lying in the shower knocked out cold rather than just a sore neck.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Who doesn't do that in the shower?