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By Anonymous - 13/12/2016 13:27 - United States - Mountain View

Today, I punished my new dog for taking a shit inside by putting him in the kennel. He punished me by breaking out of the kennel and destroying everything in my house. Including Christmas presents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 231
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should never use kennel as punishment. Next time you want to put your dog there because you have guests or small kids over then your dog thinks you are punishing it. When you have a new dog you can only say no just as your catch it doing its business. If not it won't know why you punish it. YDI for not reading up on how to train dogs.


OP from what I understand this is a new dog you just got, so he probbaly doesn't know when and where they can do their business. You can't blame him for doing this since this is a new enviroment for him, so he probbaly paniced or just doesn't know better. Like humans dogs can be scared of change so expect him to be on odd or vad behavior. Try to make your dog get used to the adjustment of moving homes. If you can make your dog feel safe and comfortable then you are gaurenteed a life long pet you can depend on!

You should never use kennel as punishment. Next time you want to put your dog there because you have guests or small kids over then your dog thinks you are punishing it. When you have a new dog you can only say no just as your catch it doing its business. If not it won't know why you punish it. YDI for not reading up on how to train dogs.

hellobobismyname 24

I completely agree. A kennel should feel like a safe place for a dog/puppy, not a punishment cage. I don't even have a dog yet and I know that from researching extensively about how to properly train a dog for when I get one in the future. YDI for not knowing these things before becoming a dog owner.

I've read extensively on how to train dogs and I've come across a lot of articles that state you should punish a dog by crating it there are some seriously bad advice out there.

hellobobismyname 24

14 - that's very true, but it's our job to cross reference and read many different sources. It shouldn't be that hard to realize which is the right way if people put more effort into their research. Some people look at one article and they take it as it is without looking elsewhere for confirmation or read up on experienced pet owner's experiences.

Dogs aren't people, they only understand direct punishments. You catch a dog being bad you reprimand it then and there, putting it in a "timeout" won't work because the dog doesn't understand the concept of timeouts. They understand "I do bad I get a smack, I do good I get a snack".

You aren't supposed to kennel a dog in punishment. Ever. You need to read up on training and have a little patience! Would you punish a 2/3yo child for having an accident while potty training?

My Boys, two Yorkie brothers, go to their kennel when they need a safe space. That is what is normal. If you catch them doing their business inside, show it to them, say no, and take them outside. Also, consistently use one word, like "Outside?", to ask them if they need to do their business. Over time, they will understand.

You should NEVER punish your puppy for peeing inside!!! You have to ignore bad behavior and reward good behavior. When the dog pees outside you have to react like you won the lottery. Overreact and pet and treat your dog as much as you can. If you do this throughout all training, your dog will be the best behaved dog in the world. All your dog want is your attention, so if it gets no attention for peeing inside, but gets a ton of reward for peeing outside then that is what it will do. This is basic dog training and you need to read more about this. Punishing your dog for not understanding, is animal cruelty in my book.

Never punish dogs for going potty inside the house. My dog pooped on the floor beside my bed and I stepped in it so I scolded her. That night she took a shit right between my legs as revenge. I didn't notice until I rolled in it when I woke up. Dogs are smarter than you think.

Your dog has some issues. Anything from emotional distress to irritable bowels.

Maybe research dog care before getting a dog. That would be the logical thing to do. if a dog pisses or ***** in the house, you are supposed to take them outside so they can associate going to the bathroom with being outside. A kennel shouldn't be a punishment. They should feel safe going in there on their own free will. I'm sure you mom didn't lock you the closet when you shit yourself as a baby.