By Username - 03/08/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, I quit smoking. It seems that when you don't smoke for almost 24 hours, your sense of smell comes back. I then noticed how disgusting my apartment smells. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 813
You deserved it 51 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heather_x0x0 6

Ha! That smell is never gonna go away YDI for smokin

It's true. When I stopped smoking I started realizing how strong the smell is on my friends and the clothes in my closet. I began to feel bad for people that I sat next to or worked with because I'm positive they could smell me.


daysgoby902 6

congratulations on quitting!!!

koolkat27 13

well congrats on quitting i guess!

KittKatt515 0

Oh, the amount of idiots here never ceases to impress me. Smoking is an addiction. I suppose there are some people who simply smoke because they can and I don't have a problem with it because it's their life, not mine. However, most of the smokers I know want to quit, but they always crave cigarettes (In the exact words of one: For the adrenaline rush) So kindly think before you type. Anyways, use Febreze OP :) Congratulations on quitting :D

Man. I want adrenaline from a cig. All I get is the craving and bad mood gone away. Yes we want to quit, I tried. :( it's hard

It's easier with friends and family help

Get nicotine gum. My dad quit ciggarettes but was too addicted to the nicotine.... So we got the gum. Very bad breath but overall the gum is aloot better. ( in moderation )

Sniff_N_Tickle 4

I'm sorry to say but you are such a dumbass for smoking.. All it does is give you cancer, make you smell bad, and take all your money away.

Well done for giving up!! buy some air freshener you can get rid of the smell alot easier than you can replace your lungs!

yellojello 0

pee yew. what stinks? oh. right. it's Ted.

thir13enthour 0

First off congrats. I quit cold turkey 6 yrs ago after smoking since I was 10. It's rough. Now though, Don't even want em. Hate to be around em. Secondly, time to get to work. Wipe down everything. The smell will be gone in no time.