By BGood - 21/12/2011 16:30 - United States

Today, I ran into my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend at a grocery store. We haven't seen each other since we broke up a few months ago, and when he introduced me, he called me by the wrong name. We dated for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 386
You deserved it 3 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hippityhopp 2

Should've said "you must have been the girl he cheated on me with."

beddington 7

No, should've said "this is your future", soon he won't remember you either."


iBluePancake 4

Should've said your name was steve and acted like a guy.

Oh no that's not my name that's that girl you introduce me to last week that blonde big boobs you say was you girlfriend

Means he was cheating and probably still is on this girl better off without that pos

This isn't really an fml this is like an "I'm jealous"

foxmatrix15 8

This is a saying that goes with anything. "outta sight..outta mind". Live and learn it and move on

Zacisaurus 3

It's probably because his current girlfriend is jealous of you and he lied about your name to avoid getting yelled at. I've been in a similar pinch.

I assume you dumped him? Get over it. Why would he need to remember your name? He's obviously moved on.