By Ab - 10/02/2009 01:50 - United States

Today, I ran out of underwear and so I went into my mom's drawer to borrow a pair from her. It was then that I found out my mom uses the same vibrator as I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 311
You deserved it 42 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imahussla 0

WTF are you borrowing yo momma underwear

ktl_fml 0

the same make & model, or the exact same vibe? cuz there is a HUGE difference.


hawaiianxpunchx3 0

um wtf? so what shes using her moms underwear big ****** deal. maybe she was going somewhere and didnt have time to wait for underwear to go in the wash for a ****** hour. and as long as there clean.

simplyme13 0

EWWWWW!!! I don't even like to share underwear with myself!!!

Ewwww! Why in the world would you want to borrow a pair of your moms underwear?! Gross! Plus, keep your sex life and such private. Man that's one of the grosest things I've ever heard. Ydi- big time!

You must be very close with your mother.

your mom "barrows" your vibrator and you "barrow" her underwear...I guess it's cool than.

jessica21194 0

yeah, it goes through the laundry..

killinmesmalls 0

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Are you a hobo or what? buy some new underwear or wash the ones you have...

Gross did I read that right?? You share underwear with your mother?!?