By ThatCery - 16/01/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

Today, I rang my dad to tell him and my half-sister that I'm finally engaged. I then asked my half-sister to tell my stepmother. Still on speaker, I heard her run upstairs and pass the good news on. My stepmother responded with 'Cery who?', followed by 'So what? I can't stand her'. I'm Cery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 553
You deserved it 2 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch!!! don't invite her to the wedding!!!


That's actually a little bit heartbreaking.

lets hope the person YOU marry isn't as much of an asshole as the one your dad married. but yh, don't invite her.

tick_tock 0

What an asshole. Don't invite her to the wedding, if she "can't stand you" that much then I'm sure she will be pleased. I'm sorry, I actually feel legitimately bad for you.

xoxoshexibbygrl 0

It's people like your stepmother that are the reason I just call her 'My dad's wife'. Sorry to hear that, FYL.

So? Ooh, someone doesn't like you. The world MUST be ending!

npk88 0

Well...hopefully your real mom was a little more excited. And it sounds like your dad and sister were still excited. So who cares what the bitch stepmom thinks?

Who cares about her? The big thing is YOU GOT ENGAGED!!! Congrats!

#24, thank you! Everyone other than her is pretty damn thrilled, especially me. At least this is one person we won't have to pay to feed at the reception. I'm not entirely sure why she 'can't stand me', since she likes my brother. Telling her about the engagament was part of my recent attempts to patch things up with her... reconciliation fail, I think. perdix, I don't think I'd trust her with any child of mine since she's spent the aforementioned half-sister's whole life bad-mouthing me to her. Fortunately, she seems to have taken it with a pinch of salt so far. And #21, thank you very much. It is, but with a soft 'c' sound.