By sadf4x0r - 24/02/2010 17:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised my girlfriend is the perfect woman for most men. She only ever talks to me in the intermissions on Modern Warfare 2; shame it's not me playing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 662
You deserved it 6 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blaaaaakely 0

I'll just come out and say it: bieber sucks. no coughing needed


Haha that's do funny, not u, just how this incident is...u should try playing with husband

dude I do the same thing to my guy friends!! I go to my friend's apartment just to play on his 50" plasma b

i dont blame her its fun... i am legitly 6th prestege but i have a life humm

Presbee 0

tell her to get over it and talk to you, i text and talk to my bf over the phone while i play mw2 its not hard... well for me its not because im a talker. Most guys would hit on her, they do it to me everytime i play i get random friend request because they hear im girl. But if u play with her u can talk to her more too :] and u can tell the guys to back off cas most are a pain in the ass

chickenwings907 0

YDI for not forcing her to make you a sammich. (by the way... that was a joke ladies...)

Most people Im in a game with on XBL treat me like shit or kick me out because they think I'm a 12 year old boy. I try to tell them I'm a girl, that's why my voice is like that, then they say obscene things about come back when I've gotten some pussy. And I get a few random requests and the messages say "u sound hawt."